Learning Japanese


Whether you’re a complete and uninitiated Japanese-speaking newbie or a seasoned veteran who speaks like a native, learning Japanese never goes out of style or use. For said newbies, never fear, stress, or feel out of the loop; we’ve got some useful words and links for your express use.

School-related Japanese

Types of schools





学校 がっこう gakkou school
小学校 しょうがっこう shougakkou elementary school
中学校 ちゅうがっこう chuugakkou junior high school
高校 こうこう koukou senior high school
工業 こうぎょう kougyou technical school
商業 しょうぎぃおう shougyou commercial school
農業 のうぎょう nougyou agricultural school
School subjects





英語 えいご eigo English
数学 すうがく suugaku Mathematics
社会 しゃかい shakai Social Studies
国語 こくご kokugo Japanese
理科 りか rika Science
美術 びじゅつ bijutsu Art
技術 ぎじゅつ gijutsu Industrial Art
家庭 かてい katei Home Economics
体育 たいいく taiiku Phys. Ed. (PE)
音楽 おんがく ongaku Music
School events





始業式 しぎょうしき shigyoushiki Beginning-of-term ceremony
体育大会 たいいくたいかい taiikutaikai Sports Day
運動会 うんどうかい undoukai Sports Day (same event, different name).
文化祭 ぶんかさい bunkasai School Culture Festival
終業式 しゅうぎょうしき shuugyoushiki End-of-term ceremony
中間試験 ちゅうかんしけん chuukanshiken Midterms
期末試験 きまつしけん kimatsushiken Finals
参観日 さんかんび sankanbi Parents Visiting Day

Some popular Japanese foods




牛丼 Gyuudon Beef and onions with a sweet soy sauce, based on rice.
天丼 Tendon Tempura on rice.
チキン南蛮 Chicken nanban Miyazaki specialty; sweet-and-sour fried chicken usually served with tartar sauce.
定食 Teishoku Set menu; usually it means a meal comes with rice, soup and salad, and sometimes even with a dessert and drink included.
うどん Udon Thick white rice noodles in broth.
そば Soba Fairly thin, brown – sometimes gray – buckwheat noodles served in broth; hot or cold.
ラーメン Ramen Noodles in various broths; not to be confused with the cup noodle variety.
カレーライス Kareraisu Curry and rice. The Japanese varieties are different from Thai, Indian or other types.
餃子(ぎょうざ) Gyouza Pork dumplings
Niku Meat, e.g. pork (豚肉), beef (牛肉), chicken (鶏肉) etc.
Buta/ton Pork
Gyuu Beef
Tori Chicken
Sakana Fish
野菜 Yasai Vegetables
果物 (くだもの) Kudamono Fruit


Other useful links

  1. Tofugu: excellent all-round Japanese advice, online textbook and interesting Japanese news and culture articles.
  2. Tae Kim’s Guide to Learning Japanese: another great resource with free lessons, grammar explanations, practice exercises, and downloadable guides.
  3. JLPT: the official website for the Japanese Language Proficiency Tests.
  4. Tanos: an extensive and FREE resource site for all JLPT levels. Also has resources for HSK, the Mandarin equivalent of the JLPT.
  5. NHK Japanese online lessons: Great for beginners.
  6. Denshi Jisho: Known to be one of the more accurate English – Japanese dictionaries.
  7. Saiga Online Kanji dictionary: A pretty complex but very useful tool for daily kanji.
  8. Nihongojouzu: A comprehensive blog about learning Japanese.
  9. Verb Conjugator: A really useful Japanese verb conjugator.
  10. Kanji flash cards: Great site with lots of other useful links to learn Japanese.
  11. Gengo: The ultimate online Japanese dictionary.
  12. Miyazaki Dialect Database: Comes in Japanese only, though.